The City Council adopted five-year water rates on May 11, 2021. The City Council also adopted new capacity charges, a one-time charge for new and upgraded connections to the water system. It is based on the size of the service connection and recovers the value of system capacity provided for the new/upgraded service. The water rates for fiscal year 2021-22 will be effective for bills issued on or after July 1, 2021.
Menlo Park Municipal Water relies on water rate revenues to fund the costs of operating and maintaining the water system including purchasing wholesale water from the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.
Water rates are the same for all customers. Rates consist of the following components:
Water rates need to be reviewed regularly and adjusted as necessary in order to ensure the ability to fund regular ongoing operations and future capital infrastructure needs. Rates were last adopted in 2021, and they are normally reevaluated every five years. Each year, customers should expect to see a slight increase in water rates according to the adopted five-year water rate schedule in place.
The latest adopted water rate schedule became effective for bills issued on or after July 1, 2021.
The water rates for fiscal year 2024-2025 go into effective beginning on July 1, 2024 and will appear on customer's August water bills.
A water unit is equal to 748 gallons or 100 centum cubic feet (ccf) of water. Water customers are charged for each whole unit of water used during a billing cycle. Menlo Park Municipal Water does not charge for partial units.
Proposed fiscal year 2023-24 water rates. The table below shows how to calculate a water bill with 3-tier consumption charges.
No. All customers have the same rates which include a monthly meter charge, and the 3-tier rate structure and capital surcharge for metered water use.
You can reduce your water charges by conserving water and using it more efficiently. The City has a number of water conservation programs to help reduce water use and improve water use efficiency. Please visit our water conservation webpage for more information.
Yes, the rate report is available and can be found at the of this webpage.